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Pride and Punishment

16.01.2020 - 15.02.2020

Click for press release.

Labirent Sanat is hosting Feyzi Çelikten, Gamze Zorlu, Sefa Çatuk and Şeyma Barut’s the group exhibition entitled “Pride and Punishment” curated by İpek Yeğinsü between the dates 16 January 15 February 2020.

Pride and Punishment” exhibition departs from the main concepts explored in Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment and Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. The project draws a parallel between the environment of the 19th century Industrial Revolution and its traumatic effects as depicted by the two books, and the existential problems of the 21st century Information Society.  Focusing on different aspects of social life, it explores within a dynamic spatial configuration those human dilemmas about ethics and belongingness that become highly pronounced in times of big civilizational transformations.

In addition to the paintings and drawings by each artist, the exhibition presents a room bringing the artists and the inspirational authors on one single chronological and spatial plane. This room containing various objects and documents that influenced the artists during the exhibition’s preparatory phase and which they chose to bring to the exhibition space, invites the viewers to a participatory experience. This way, “Pride and Punishment” aims at dissolving the boundaries between the artists, the authors and the viewers, and expanding as much as it can the possibilities of capturing that changeless thing in human essence.


Pride and Punishment” exhibition will also feature an artist talk, a tour with the curator and a conversation on literature. The exhibition can be seen from 16 January to 15 February 2020 at Labirent Sanat.


Feyzi Çelikten

Gamze Zorlu

Sefa Çatuk

Şeyma Barut

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